Become a Facebook Ads expert.

Set yourself apart from other VA’s.

Get your dream clients easily.
Make them happily pay you high rates.

Let's do this together

Become a Facebook Ads expert.

Set yourself apart from other VA’s.

Get your dream clients easily.
Make them happily pay you high rates.

Does this sound like you?

• You started your VA business because you wanted freedom and flexibility.

• And now you mainly swap money for hours and feel there is hardly enough of either one of these left. 

• It drives you crazy that you still need to compete with VA’s from India who can of course ask for much lower hourly rates. 

• You don’t want to be the 50th person who replies to a post in a Facebook group where someone searches for a VA…yet you still reply because you’re desperate for the job.

• You’re tired of hearing “no” after you applied for a VA job over and over again. 

• You work from cafés…but honestly, you’re not even sure if you’ll be able to afford one more cappuccino next month, let alone pay your other expenses.

Let me change all of this for you.

This could be you this year:

You are completely booked out.

You’re only working on projects you absolutely adore and with clients who inspire you.

You’ve finally said “no” and “goodbye” to annoying clients and tasks.

You’re earning $100 per hour and more. 

You’re enjoying more free time AND more money to spend during that free time (Of course, money can’t buy you happiness. But it can buy you plane tickets…just saying). 

You finally have the feeling that you’ve succeeded with your VA business.



Hi, I’m Sarah

and I help you to become a Facebook Ads expert so you can offer your service to your clients and earn much higher rates. 

I studied economics and marketing and worked as a marketing manager for five years before becoming a freelancer and finally starting my own Facebook Ads agency, which I’ve been running for six years. 

I’ve been invited as a speaker at various events and I’m running my own digital marketing event series.

With my specialization in successful Facebook Ads, I’ve helped my clients earn consistent 5-figure months and get 6-figure launches. 

I managed to transition from being an underpaid freelancer doing all sorts of jobs for a frighteningly low hourly rate to an expert in my field where clients pay me 5-figure amounts per month. 

This has allowed me to move from gloomy North Germany to sunny Cyprus where I now only work around 20 hours per week and spend my afternoons and weekends at the beach with my husband and 3 year old son. 

Let’s make that possible for you, too!


The truth is:

No matter how well you work,
how well you deal with tight deadlines,
how reliable and responsive you are:

If you’re not a specialist
you will not get your dream rates as a VA.

The good news:

You can become a Facebook Ads expert in no time and offer your service to your clients. This will increase your rates immediately and give you the option to only work for clients and projects you love. 

The demand for Facebook Ads experts is as higher than ever before! Business owners want to scale their revenue through paid ads. Because of this, they don’t want to hire a large, anonymous agency and would rather have one person they like, can rely on and trust to run their ads for them.

All Facebook Ads experts I know have stopped accepting new clients, as they’re all fully booked!

Now is your chance to get high-paying clients.



Here's what you get:

Course material: 12 modules with video tutorials.


Scripts: 12 PDF scripts with screenshots and easy-to-follow action steps.


Certification: After successfully completing a quiz about the course content you get an official certification badge that you can display on your website.


The 5 main areas:


In these first two modules, you will learn about all the important settings in the Ads Manager.

✔ You’ll understand the differences between campaign, ad set and ads and you will know what to publish and what not to publish.  We will then cover everything regarding the Facebook Pixel.

You will know what it is, what it does and how to implement it to your website (in a way that is GDPR compliant).

You will also learn how to create so-called “Custom Conversion” to stalk your people.


In three detailed modules we cover the three main audience types: •Saved Audiences (also called Interest-based Audiences), •Custom Audiences and •Lookalike Audiences.

With Saved Audiences you learn how to create a target audience with interests and demographics, how to find the right interest, what the ideal size of your audience is, why is it important to narrow things down and how to exclude specific interests and much more.

✔ With Custom Audiences we will cover how to create one out of website traffic, email lists and people who’ve engaged with your content.

We will discuss how to do all of this within the GDPR regulations. Also, you will get a bonus video about the Business Manager and how to use it to create specific Custom Audiences.


You will know everything about the best settings when it comes to creating your campaign.

You will understand how to choose the perfect campaign objective depending on your goal and why it’s important to always combine different objectives.

We will also talk about ad spend and ad placement, so that you always know how to choose between the placements: •Newsfeed, •Messenger, •Right column, •Stories and more.


In three modules you will come to understand everything around the creation of your ads.

You will know how to choose and create the perfect images for your ads, how to create interesting videos and most importantly what to write in your ad text and which words and phrases you are not allowed to use.

✔ We will cover this in detail, so you never risk getting your account closed.


This course is summed up with two modules around testing and evaluating.

You will know how to run effective split-tests on different levels (and why this is important) and how to evaluate your numbers and results.

You will understand every number you see in your Ads Manager and know different ways to keep improving your results.

Make 2021 the year you really rock your VA business!

Offer Facebook Ads as a specialist
for your clients.

Earn your dream rates
while doing what you love.

Don't just listen to me. Listen to them:

“I love Sarah’s way of teaching things and making you understand things. She gave me so much great input.”

“The videos and PDFs in this course are well prepared. Everything you have to learn, you will find here. “

Have questions? I have answers.

What exactly do I get?

You get all the course materials (12 video tutorials and 12 scripts) in my own membership area on this website. I send you your personal login details via email after you book the course. 

How long do I have access?

You get access to all the video tutorials and scripts for three years. During this time you also get access to every update that I create. You can also download the PDF scripts, so you have lifetime access to those as well. 

Can I be guaranteed that this course will work for me?

This course will teach you everything you need to know to run successful Facebook and Instagram Ads. That being said: I still can’t give you a guarantee that your ads will sell your product or service. Why not? Because this also depends highly on your product. If your product or service sucks and no one needs or wants it – then it won’t sell through paid ads either. Have you sold your product or service in the past? Did you get positive feedback? Did people maybe even recommend it to their friends? Then this course will very likely work perfectly for you.

Do you offer a refund if the course is not working for me? 

No. I believe refunds are an easy way out for people who are not willing to put in the work. I know that this course will bring you amazing Facebook Ads results as soon as you implement and not only watch (the admittedly, very pretty) videos. I know you want to sell with Facebook Ads, so I’m taking you there. I believe in you, so let’s rock this!

Do I need to have some knowledge about Facebook Ads before starting this course?

No. Even if you’ve never tried Facebook Ads before and don’t even know if you have an ad account (spoiler: if you have a private Facebook profile you automatically also have an ad account) I will guide you through everything. The first module is all about getting to know the Ads Manager and how setting up ads works. 

And if you’ve already been using Facebook Ads you simply skip the first module and dive right into new strategies and ideas.

Are Facebook and Instagram Ads the same? Can I use them interchangeably?

Yes, essentially, they are the same. You can create both in the Ads Manager and the same marketing tactics apply. When setting up an ad in the Ads Manager, you select where you’d like your ad to be shown. You have a variety of different placements to choose from. One of them is Instagram. Don’t worry – we will cover all the different placements in this course. When you also allow your ads to be shown on Instagram, you have the advantage of reaching more people, as not everyone uses all Social Media platforms. Even if you’d only like to run Instagram ads (and no Facebook ads at all) this course is perfect for you, as all strategies regarding audiences, campaign objectives, copy and image apply in the same way for Instagram ads.

How many Facebook Ads clients can I work with at the same time?

This depends on how many different campaigns your clients want to use. Are they promoting a webinar, a PDF freebie, a seminar and a product at the same time? Or are they only promoting one event right now? Do they change things a lot or could you possibly use the same ads for a longer period of time?

As a general rule of thumb: I only work with two big clients (with 3-5 different campaigns each) and a maximum of three small clients (with one campaign) at the same time. 

The good thing is that you will not need to work with various different clients at the same time because your clients will pay you much higher rates per hour or package than for “ordinary” VA services. 

How much can I charge for Facebook Ads services?

Prices vary from 70 € – 450 € per hour. Ideally, you want to get long-term clients (less work for you and you can stick with the most fun clients). I personally charge a fixed package price for up to 5 different campaigns of 1745 € per month. For a 60 minute 1:1 coaching call about Facebook Ads I charge 300 €. 

Once you’ve just started offering Facebook Ads as a service and don’t have many testimonials yet, your rates might be slightly lower but are still very likely much higher compared to what you’d charged before. Plus, the demand for Facebook Ads is higher than ever. You don’t want to lose clients because they’re going to someone else to run their ads for them. Instead, you can offer your clients big packages that include copywriting, landing page building, newsletter setup (…or whatever else you love doing) for your Facebook Ads.

Can I promote everything with Facebook Ads?

Almost. If you’re selling drugs, weapons, short-term loans or adult products then Facebook Ads are not for you. Everything else is definitely sell-able on Facebook and Instagram. Your product or service should be honest and serve your buyers. The more it will change the life of the buyer for the better,  the easier it is to advertise on Facebook. 

I live in the United States, the UK, Australia or another part of the world – Does this course apply to Facebook Ads all over the world…or are there differences between each country?

Excellent question! The strategies that I teach in this course can be used for ads in each and every country! The system of how to set up successful Facebook ads is the same for everyone. Even the text guidelines of what you’re allowed to write in your ads and which words you can or cannot use are the same all over the world, regardless of where you reside. The only difference may be the behavior of your audience regarding their time of purchase. For instance, people from the United States tend to make purchase decisions fairly quickly, while European customers typically tend to need quite a bit of convincing before buying. This means that when you target people in the US, you need less retargeting campaigns and can use a more direct wording in your ad copy than you would for people in European countries, for example. That being said, you can apply all techniques taught in the course to any country in the world and may only need to add a bit of local knowledge regarding the wording of the ad text.

I’m really not good with numbers and technical things. Are you sure I’ll be able to run successful Facebook Ads?

Absolutely! Math used to be my most hated school subject ever and I’m still not great with technical things (I have an amazing VA who helps me with website issues and complex funnel building). But the good thing about Facebook Ads is that they’re not very complicated once you understand how they work. Everyone can learn how to run ads on Facebook and Instagram that sell. I’ve had course participants who were really not techy at all. And every single one of them managed to build successful Facebook Ads campaigns.

How much time do I need to invest in this course?

That’s really up to you. You get access to all the materials for three years but really, you don’t want to wait that long, do you? Ideally, you implement as much as you can within the first 4 months so that you can use our coaching calls to get my personal feedback.
This only requires around 2 hours of work per week; 1 hour to watch the course materials and 1 hour of implementing.

How long will I need to wait until I see results with my ads?

This highly depends on the daily ad budget and on the complexity of the product. Does it need a little more explaining? Is it a high-price product? Then you also need a little more patience. Are you selling lower-price products to a broad audience? Then you will see results a little faster.

In general, you usually see results after 14 – 31 days of running your ads. 

Aren’t Facebook and Instagram Ads spammy and annoying?

Some definitely are but yours won’t be. For me, it’s super important to teach an approach that leads to Facebook Ads that people adore. Your ads will be positive, interesting and a perfect fit for you and your business. This way, they bring you your dream clients who didn’t get tricked into buying from you, rather feel super grateful they stumbled upon your ad and bought from you.

How do I run ads for a client so that they pay for the ad costs?

Easy! You simply request access to their ad account and Facebook page and run the ads in there. This also gives your client control over the maximum spent and they get invoiced directly from Facebook. I show you how to do this in the course. 

How much additional money do I or my clients need to invest in the actual ads?

You can adjust the ad budget according to your client’s personal finances and start with as little as 10 € per day. I’ve had course participants who were very successful with a small ad budget like this. 

How much do I or my clients need to spend per sale?

As you’ve probably figured by now, this depends. First of all, it depends on the product. How long do people normally think about it before purchasing? The longer they think, the more you probably need to spend per sale. How high is the product priced? The more expensive it is, the more you will need to invest in the ads. 

Here’s an example: A client of mine sells a coaching training with various live events throughout the year. The price for this is 5500 €. We spend around 800 € to get people to book a free phone consultation about this. (This includes ALL ad costs we have before they jump on a call with my client. We use different strategies to warm people up and to make them ready to buy. For example, video view campaigns, promoting my clients’ podcast, a free webinar, etc.). During this phone consultation, about 50% of all people book the coaching training. This means we spend around 1600 € to sell a 5500 € product. 

Another example: A course participant who is a photographer was promoting a paid webinar. The price to attend the webinar was 55 €. She spent 15 € per webinar booking.

What my happy clients say

“This course is amazing. There are so many tips and Sarah always keeps us up to date. I love learning from Sarah, I love her energy. I strongly encourage you to join the course!”

“I’m so glad that I found Sarah’s Facebook Ads course. Sarah gives so much content that is super helpful and easy to understand. I learned so much!”

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